§ MR. FRANCIS S. STEVENSON (Suffolk, Eye)I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether 743 Her Majesty's Government are aware that Yussuf Yunan, two days before his assassination at Sairt, wrote a letter to Mr. Andrus, of the American Presbyterian Mission, relating in detail the threats of the Governor and Procureur Général of the district, who each demanded an advance of money from the Relief Funds in charge of the deceased; and whether Mr. Stavrides, legal advisor to the British Embassy at Constantinople, has communicated to the Sublime Porte a copy of that letter, together with copies of the Reports by Mr. Andrus and Vice-Consul Crowe, in support of the statements made by eye-witnesses to the effect that the six men arrested for complicity were hired assassins, paid for their services by the Governor and Procureur Général of Saint?
§ THE UNDER SECRETARY OF STATE FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS (Mr. G. N. CURZON,) Lancashire, S.W., SouthportNo such letter as that described in the first paragraph has been communicated to Her Majesty's Government. Indeed, in a long memorandum in our possession by Doctor Andrus, written directly after the murder, which it described, there is no mention either of the threats or of the suspected complicity of the two officials mentioned. Mr. Stavrides has been watching the case on the part of Her Majesty's Embassy, but we do not know what documents, if any, he may have communicated to the Porte. Neither the report by Mr. Andrus nor that by Vice-Consul Crowe, both of which we possess, contains anything about the assassins having been hired by the above-named officials.
§ MR. T. C. H. HEDDERWICK (Wick Burghs)Can the right hon. Gentleman name an approximate date when further correspondence relating to this murder will be laid before the House?
§ MR. CURZONI cannot answer that without notice. The whole of the papers are being collected, and will, of course, be laid. As to the data I will make further inquiry.