§ Return ordered, "of Officers in the service of the Grand Jury in each County in Ireland, in the following form:—?
§ County—
- 1. Name of Officer;
- 2. Position;
- 3. Date of appointment;
- 4. Authority or statute under which appointed;
- 5. Actual present emoluments, and how paid;
- 6. Nature of appointment—i.e., whether permanent or temporary from assize to assize;
- 7. Whether service to the Grand Jury has been continuous;
- 8. Whether he discharges the duties of his office personally or by deputy;
- 9. Whether he holds any other county office or office under the Executive Government;
- 10. If so, state name of office and the emoluments attaching to such office;
§ I certify the above Return to be correct.
§ Signature —, Secretary to Grand Jury.
§ Date—."
§ —(Mr. Engledew.)