§ MR. JAMES DUCKWORTH (Lancashire, S. E., Middleton)I beg to ask the President of the Local Government Board whether he is aware that, in the course of a fortnight, three separate analyses of the analyst of the Islington Vestry were proved to be inaccurate, when the samples dealt with were referred to Somerset House; and whether the Local Government Board will take any steps to inquire into mistakes which so seriously affect the tradesmen against whom summonses were issued upon such mistaken certificates?
§ THE PRESIDENT OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOARD (Mr. H. CHAPLIN,) Lincolnshire, SleafordI have already taken steps to inquire into the cases referred to and I find that the analyses by the Public Analyst of these cases did not accord with those made at the Government Laboratory, and the cases were dismissed, the defendants being awarded costs. It would be impossible to go into the details of these cases as represented by the 236 Vestry and the Chief Officer of the Government Laboratory within the limits permissible in an answer to a Question. Under the existing law the Court in any case where proceedings are instituted in respect of alleged adulteration can, on the application of either party, refer the sample to the Officers of the Board of Inland Revenue with a view to its being analysed and reported on by them, and in the cases in question the defendants had the benefit of this provision; but I have no authority to give any directions whatever in the matter. I understand that in one case there will be an appeal to the High Court.