§ SIR CHARLES DILKE (Gloucester, Forest of Dean)I beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, whether his attention has been called to a shuttle-guard prosecution by Her Majesty's Inspector of Factories at Barnsley, which arose out of an injury to the face of Ellen Richardson by a flying shuttle, in which a fine of only 1s. was inflicted upon the firm convicted; and, when the promised Report on shuttles fenced and unfenced will be in possession of the House?
§ THE SECRETARY OF STATE FOR THE HOME DEPARTMENT (Sir M. W. RIDLEY,) Lancashire, N., BlackpoolMy attention has been called to this case. I can only say that the Inspector brought the facts fully before the Bench, and that shuttle-guards appear to have been in general use in the factory. I am afraid I cannot fix any date for the statement referred to. As I explained to the right hon. Baronet, there is no power to require occupiers to furnish returns, and the information has to be collected gradually by the Inspectors on their ordinary visits. I might add that the conditions which gave rise to the accident in Richardson's case appear to have been temporary only; and no account could be taken of such in the return.