HC Deb 15 March 1898 vol 54 c1664
MR. D. BRYNMOR JONES (Swansea District)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for India whether he is aware that Mr. Henry Savage Landor, a British subject, and two native servants, also British subjects, while travelling peacefully in Thibet, in August, 1897, were arrested, imprisoned, sentenced to death, and cruelly tortured by high Thibetan authorities; and that Mr. H. S. Landor's scientific instruments, baggage, and other property were seized; whether Mr. Larkin, Deputy Collector at Almora, made an inquiry into Mr. Landor's case, and sent a Report to the Government of India; if so, will the right hon. Gentleman lay that Report upon the Table of the House; and whether he will take steps to procure compensation to Mr. H. S. Landor and his servants for the wrongs done to them?


I have received from the Government of India on account of the arrest and illtreatment of Mr. Savage Landor whilst attempting last year to penetrate to Lhassa, and I have also seen him personally. An inquiry was held into the case by the magistrate at Almora, and I shall be happy to show a copy of the Reports to the hon. Member, should he desire to see them. Mr. Landor's arms and ammunition, with other property belonging to him, have been recovered, and forwarded to his agents at Bombay. It appears that Mr. Landor was warned by the Thibetan authorities that he would not be allowed to travel in the country, and that he persisted in doing so, notwithstanding this prohibition. His attempt to enter the country was made entirely on his own responsibility, at his own risk. Under these circumstances, I fear that it will not be possible to obtain from the Chinese Government the compensation the hon. Gentleman suggests.