HC Deb 10 March 1898 vol 54 c1217

In putting this Question to the President of the Board of Trade, I venture to say that the House is pleased to see the right hon. Gentleman in his place again. I beg to ask him whether he will state the amounts of the existing balance standing in the accounts kept by the Board of Trade with respect to Colonial and foreign lights, the sums payable on accounts of money secured on the Colonial dues, and the amount of the contribution by Her Majesty's Government in respect of the lighthouse at Cape Spartel, Morocco?


I thank the hon. Member for his kind remark. In reply to the Question on the Paper, I have to say that the only lighthouses abroad, on account of which balances are held by the Board of Trade, are those known as the Basses and Minicoy Lights. The balances held on account of these lights on the 31st March, 1897, as shown in the Account presented to the House of Commons, on the 16th ultimo (No. 66), were as follows:—Consols, 2¾ per cent., £20,000 stock; Consols, 2½ per cent., £22,529 stock; cash, £4,044 stock. There is no outstanding debt or loan chargeable on this fund. Her Majesty's Government contribute the equivalent of 1,500 francs (about £60) annually towards the maintenance of Cape Spartel Lighthouse.