HC Deb 08 March 1898 vol 54 c978
MR. J. G. SWIFT MACNEILL (Donegal, S.)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for India whether he is aware that the Municipal Commissioners have selected for the post of engineer secretary to the Putna Municipality, Mr. P. C. Mukerji, a L.C.E. of Bombay University, who had large experience in respect of drainage and waterworks, but that the Divisional Commissioner has negatived this appointment on the ground that what is required is a competent man who is neither Behair nor Bengali, Hindu nor Mahomedan, but a good European officer; and whether this exclusion of a native gentleman from office and emolument by reason of his race is sanctioned by the Indian and Home Governments?


I have heard nothing of the case to which the hon. Member refers; but, if he will give me his authority for the statements contained in his Question I will cause inquiry to be made.