HC Deb 01 March 1898 vol 54 cc297-8

I beg to ask the Lord Advocate, whether the Secretary for Scotland has received copies of four resolutions on the subject of Sea Police and Illegal Trawling, which were moved respectively by Provost Anderson, County Councillor M'Leod, Baillie J. M. Morison, and Donald Mackenzie (Secretary to the Lewis Fishermen's Association), and carried unanimously at a mass meeting of fishermen and others held at the Drill Hall. Stornoway, on the 5th January last; and will he state how the Government propose to meet the requests contained in those resolutions?


The Secretary for Scotland has received copies of the resolutions referred to; the request contained in the first will be met by the new vessels now building for the Fishery Board. That in the second would require legislation, which cannot at present be undertaken.