HC Deb 30 June 1898 vol 60 cc635-6
SIR C. DILKE (Gloucester, Forest of Dean)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether before proceeding with the Factories and Workshops (Emergency Processes) Bill he will lay upon the Table the Report of Miss Paterson, who spent two months in making close inquiry into employment in the fish-curing industry in Scotland and the North of England, as stated in the Chief Inspector of Factories' Annual Report for 1895?


I am sorry I do not see my way to comply with the wish of the right honourable Baronet There are strong general objections, which I have several times lately explained to the House, to laying on the Table isolated departmental reports such as this, which were never intended for publication, and in the present case there is the further reason that the Report deals only with a part of the subject, and that incompletely. Much fuller and later information is given in the Report of the two inspectors who were specially appointed last year to inquire into, the whole subject, and this I have laid before the House.