§ MR. O'MALLEY (Galway, Connemara)I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether his attention has been drawn to the proceedings at the trials on Wednesday, the 15th 35 instant, of the Belfast rioters and to the evidence of Serjeant Clarke, of the mounted police, to the effect that a city magistrate, named Doran, asked the police why they had charged a riotous mob; that the crowd then shouted to put the police off the road; that Doran then ordered the police to retire; and that, in the presence and hearing of the mob, he told them they must do so when directed by him; and whether, seeing that similar proceedings during the 1886 riots were strongly denounced by the Royal Commission that followed, the attention of the Lord Chancellor of Ireland will be directed to the incident?
§ MR. ATKINSON (for Mr. GERALD BALFOUR)My attention has been drawn to the evidence referred to in the Question. The matter will be brought under the notice of the Lord Chancellor.