HC Deb 23 June 1898 vol 59 c1230
COLONEL SIR H. VINCENT (Sheffield, Central)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for War if all the railway companies have now withdrawn from the decision announced that they would no longer convey Volunteer corps upon Saturdays to the drills and musketry practice undertaken without payment for the service of the country; and, in the contrary case, if the Secretary of State will consider, in conjunction with the First Lord of the Admiralty and the Postmaster General, the desirability of diverting from any such company the public moneys heretofore paid for the conveyance of troops, sailors, marines, guns, stores, and mails; and, further, have inserted in railway Bills for new or extended powers provisions against an exercise of power prejudicial to the public interest?


Two companies make some difficulty about the Saturday preceding the August Bank Holiday; but all the others have reverted to the arrangements of former years. I hope, as regards one of the two companies, that a satisfactory arrangement may be made, but the South Eastern Railway still stands out.


I shall repeat the Question as to the South Eastern Railway this day week.