HC Deb 23 June 1898 vol 59 cc1184-5

On the order for the Second Reading of the Newtown Water Bill. [H.L.]

* MR. HUMPHREYS-OWEN (Montgomery)

I have upon the Paper a notice of Motion of an Instruction after the Second Reading of this Bill, and I ask the indulgence of the House while I state the reasons why I do not propose to move it. I originally put down the Motion in no hostility to the Bill, but for the prevention of an injustice which might, as the Bill stands, be imposed upon certain ratepayers of the urban district. Under the provisions of the Bill these ratepayers would have had to make good any deficiency in regard to the expenses of the water undertaking—although they could not possibly obtain any benefit from the water supply. However, since I have put down my Instruction I have received, on the part of those who are interested in the Bill, an assurance as to the intention of the urban council (who are the promoters of the Bill) which justified me in thinking that there is now practical security that the ratepayers, in whose interests I am concerned, will not be saddled with any deficiency caused by any falling off of revenue. I therefore do not move the Instruction, but I may be allowed to add, as there is a considerable misapprehension in the locality as to the nature of this Instruction, that as this is moved after the Second Reading, and not on the Second Reading, it is clear that my intervention was caused entirety by the wish to prevent a possible injustice which is now recognised in that light by the promoters themselves, and was not caused by any hostility to the Bill, which I consider is in the main a good one.

Question put, and Motion made— That the Bill be read a second time.

Agreed to, and Bill committed.