§ SIR W. HARCOURT (Monmouthshire W.)Can the First Lord of the Treasury state what the business will be for next week?
§ THE FIRST LORD OF THE TREASURYAs regards Monday, the first business will be the Budget Bill, and the second order the East India Loan Bill introduced by my noble Friend the Secretary of State for India. If that is not disposed of on that day it will be set down for Tuesday, when we propose to make the London University Bill the firs order.
§ MR. TENNANT (Berwickshire)What Supply will be taken on Friday next week?
§ THE FIRST LORD OF THE TREASURYI am unwilling to give a definite pledge, but in all probability the Education Estimates will be taken.
§ MR. J. REDMOND (Waterford)It would be a great convenience to Irish Members if the right honourable Gentleman will say when the discussion on the financial relations between England and Ireland will be taken. We understood from the Chancellor of the Exchequer before the Whitsuntide recess that probably the date would be Monday week, but nothing definite was stated.
§ THE FIRST LORD OF THE TREASURYI cannot at the moment fix the day. I do not think it will be Monday, but I will take care that it immediately precedes or succeeds the Report stage of the Irish Local Government Bill.
§ MR. J. REDMONDI must ask the right honourable Gentleman to arrange that the discussion should precede the Report stage of the Irish Bill, in accordance with the promise made by the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Also, I hope that a week's notice will be given of the date.
§ THE FIRST LORD OF THE TREASURYI understand my right honourable Friend gave a pledge that the discussion should precede the Report stage of the Irish Bill, and that pledge, of course, will be adhered to. I had supposed it would be a matter of indifference to Irish Members, seeing they are bound to be here, whether it came on immediately before or after the Bill. I will endeavour to give a week's notice of the date of the discussion.