HC Deb 07 June 1898 vol 58 cc873-4
MR. BROOKFIELD (Sussex, Rye)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for War whether he can state the term of reference of a Committee recently appointed to inquire into the subject of War Office Decentralisation; whether he an also state the names of the members if this Committee; whether their Report as yet been decided upon; and whether he same will be made public?


The terms of reference of the Committee on Decentralisation of War Office Business were as follows: to inquire whether any of the business now transacted in the War Office could with advantage be transacted in the districts without reference to the War Office; and whether it is desirable to delegate to the local military authorities further powers over the expenditure incurred in their districts. The Committee consisted of Mr. Powell Williams, he late Sir George Lawson, Lieutenant-General Sir Henry Brackenbury, Major-general Sir William Butler, Major-General Burnett, with myself as chairman and Colonel Miles as secretary. The Report has been decided on, and the various recommendations are being considered by the Secretary of State. The Report will be shortly made public.