HC Deb 07 June 1898 vol 58 c861
MR. FORTESCUE FLANNERY (Yorkshire, Shipley)

I beg to ask the First Lord of the Admiralty whether, on her 30 hours' trials H.M.S. Terrible used 2.31b. of coal per horse power per hour for all purposes; whether this was hand-picked coal; and have orders been given to ascertain by the use of separate groups of boilers for main and auxiliary engines, or by any other means, the consumption per unit of power on the main engines, including all auxiliaries necessary for the propelling machinery as distinguished from the auxiliary machinery?


The trial of the Terrible, to which the Question refers, was of 60 hours' duration at 5,000 horse power, not 30 hours as implied by the honourable Gentleman, and the consumption of coal per hour for all purposes was 2.31b. per indicated horse power. The coal was not hand-picked. Orders have not been given to ascertain the consumption of main and auxiliary machinery separately, but it is contemplated to ascertain this on the conclusion of the present series of trials. I may add that in the last trial to Gibraltar at 10,000 horse power the consumption for all purposes with hand-picked coal was 1.891b. per indicated horse power.