HC Deb 29 July 1898 vol 63 cc441-2
MR. SEYMOUR KING (Hull, Central)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether the Secretary of State has determined to fill up vacancies in the China Consular Ser- vice by appointing some of the unsuccessful candidates at the recent competition for student interpreterships; whether any notice was given of this intention; and whether any consideration has been given to the effect of this action upon a number of young men whose parents have been preparing them for an early competition; whether the filling up of these posts in the manner stated will be allowed to interfere with the chances and prospects of youths now in course of preparation and expecting an early examination; and when will the next examination be held?


In view of the opening of new treaty ports in China, Her Majesty's Minister at Pekin represented to us a short time ago that an addition of six student interpreters to the consular body was at once required, and in view of the delay that would have been caused by the holding of another examination, he suggested that these should be chosen from the candidates who had been duly qualified, but had not obtained posts at the last examination. These circumstances, which were exceptional, will not affect the chances of candidates preparing for the next examination, which may be expected to take place in the ordinary course, the average interval between examinations being from 12 to 18 months. The last examination was only held in December of last year.

CAPTAIN BETHELL (Yorks, E.R., Holderness)

Did the right honourable Gentleman say he was going to appoint these unsuccessful candidates?


They have been appointed. It was necessary they should go out to China at once.