HC Deb 28 July 1898 vol 63 c289
SIR. W. WEDDERBURN (Banffshire)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for India whether he is aware that the Select Committee appointed to report on the Madras Tenancy Bill is to hold its meetings in the hills at Ootacamund; that all the non-official members of that Committee have declared their inability to attend the meetings held at that place; but that, in spite of protests, the Madras Government persists in holding the meetings at Ootacamund; and whether he will direct that proper opportunity shall be given to non-official members to discuss this important Bill in Committee?


The Madras Tenancy Committee decided, by a majority of nearly two to one, to hold meetings at Ootacamund, two non-official members voting in the majority. The object of this exceptional step was to avoid further delay in dealing with the Bill, and to make use of the experience and knowledge of certain officers who will shortly retire. But in consequence of the difficulty which non-official members have in attending meetings at Ootacamund it has been decided that the proposed amendments shall, before they are finally adopted, be submitted for consideration to the Committee in Madras, when it is presumed that all the non-official members will be present.