HC Deb 26 July 1898 vol 62 c1317
SIR J. COLOMB (Great Yarmouth)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for War whether, seeing that the Royal Gun Factory has been without any head for more than six months, he will state if there is any precedent for keeping that appointment vacant so long; whether an assistant of the director general is receiving the salary of the superintendent of the Royal Gun Factory for the nominal discharge of the superintendent's duties in addition to his own; and whether the duties of the head of the National Gun Factories are such as to demand the whole time and energy of the most accomplished artilleryman whose services are obtainable?


During the last few months Commander Chevallier, who is first military assistant at the Ordnance Factory, has, under the director general, acted as superintendent of the Gun Factory, his duties as military assistant being discharged by Captain Barlow. He has previously occupied the same position in the absence of the late superintendent, and there is no question as to his competency. He temporarily receives the pay of the superintendent, but not in addition to the pay of his own appointment. The vacancy for a superintendent has not been filled up pending the establishment of a design branch which is to be created. Meanwhile the Gun Factory is turning outwork rapidly, and of a character which gives entire satisfaction to those concerned.