HC Deb 22 July 1898 vol 62 cc848-9
SIR J. COLOMB (Great Yarmouth)

I beg to ask the First Lord of the Admiralty whether the hydrographical survey of Wei-hai-Wei has been completed; and, if not, what is the probable date of its completion; and whether he can state approximately the probable date of the Hydrographer's Department of the Admiralty being in a position to issue a chart which will furnish a detailed plan, according to professional definition, of that port and offing?


The surveying vessel detailed to survey Wei-hai-Wei had to proceed to that place from Tasmania, and has only just arrived. It is not possible to give even an approximate date of the publication of a new plan.


I beg to ask the First Lord of the Admiralty whether forces of marines had to be simultaneously employed on shore at Wei-hai-Wei and at the capital of the Corea; could he state for what particular purposes were they so quartered, whether either or both these detachments of marine forces are still serving on shore; and, if so, how are they employed; and whether such detachments were part complements of Her Majesty's ships on the station; and, if so, how were the complement of the ships completed during their absence on shore?


A small guard of marines has been landed when considered necessary for the protection of the Consulate at Seoul during times of excitement. This guard is furnished from the vessel stationed at Chemulpo. A full official report of the arrangements made by the Commander-in-Chief on taking over Wei-hai-Wei has not yet been received. It is certain that marines would be landed from the Fleet for necessary duty on the island of Leu-kung-Tau. The whole number of seamen and marines landed would not probably exceed the numbers of the supernumeraries in the ships upon the station.