HC Deb 19 July 1898 vol 62 cc420-1

The House went into Committee on this Bill.

[Mr. GRANT LAWSON (York, N.R., Thirsk) DEPUTY-CHAIRMAN of WAYS and MEANS, in the Chair.]

The Bill passed through Committee without Amendment.

The House resumed.

The Bill was reported to the House.

On the Motion— That this Bill be read a third time,


On that point may we hear what the Bill is?


It is rather a late stage upon which to explain the Bill. I will give a very short statement. The Isle of Man wishes to assimilate its Customs duties to those levied in this country. Now that the tobacco has been reduced in the United Kingdom, it is to be reduced in the Isle of Man. The effect of that is to reduce their revenue by about £2,000, which they cannot very well afford to do, and in order to meet the loss upon tobacco duty they wish to raise the duty on spirits by 6d. per gallon. That is the whole Bill.


Is the beer duty to be equalised also?



The Bill was read a third time.