§ MR. STEADMANI beg to ask the Secretary to the Treasury, as representing the Postmaster General, whether the carpenters employed in the General Post Office, North, have to work in underground rooms, so dark that they have to use the electric light all the year round; and whether steps can be taken to give them rooms to work in where they can have daylight at least during the summer months, as most of them are not entitled to any pension if they have to give up their employment through failing eyesight, which entails great hardship upon them and their families?
§ MR. HANBURYThe carpenters working in the General Post Office, North, are employed by the Office of Works contractors. The accommodation provided for them is in the basement, but it is fairly well lighted throughout, having windows on each side opening into areas lined with white glazed bricks. The men are largely occupied elsewhere, and it is not considered that there is any reasonable ground for complaint. No other accommodation can be provided for the purpose.