HC Deb 08 July 1898 vol 61 cc334-5
MR. DILLON (Mayo, E.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland what measures will be taken to provide for the preservation of peace and for the protection of life and property in Belfast on the 12th July, on the occasion of the Orange procession to be held on that day; whether the magistrates have objected to the drafting of any extra police into Belfast for that occasion, and have requested that the military should occupy the streets whether he is aware that, at a meeting of magistrates this week, a letter was read from Major-General Geary objecting to their arrangements; and whether any and, if so, what route has been laid down for the procession?


Upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of Police in Belfast, the Lord Mayor and magistrates have unanimously approved of certain streets being blocked by a force of infantry soldiers on the morning of the procession and in the evening on its return. A squadron of cavalry with the remainder of the infantry will be available for duty if required. The police will be distributed along the route, and every precaution will be taken for the safety of life and property. The magistrates, presided over by the Lord Mayor, decided not to requisition extra police for employment in the city. This decision, as the honourable Member is doubtless aware, is in accordance with the recommendation of the Commissioners of inquiry into the riots of 1886. I have no official knowledge of any letter written by Major-General Geary such as mentioned in the Question. I am assured that the route selected is as safe a route for the peace of the city as could be adopted.


The right honourable, Gentleman has not fully answered the third paragraph of my Question. If it is true that the letter has been written, is it not the duty of the Executive Government to see that proper precautions are taken?


I have no official knowledge that Major-General Geary did address a letter; I have little doubt that, he did. I am not sure to whom it was addressed, nor have I seen a copy of the letter. Whatever were the points in dispute, however, the magistrates and the military authorities were now acting in perfect harmony.


What route has been laid down for the procession? Will it avoid the Catholic portion of the city?


The official programme states that the procession will proceed from Crumlin Road, Clifton Street, Donegal Street, Royal Avenue, Donegal Place, Donegal Square North, and Bedford Street. Two districts will join the procession at Shaftesbury Square and one district at Donegal Pass, and proceed by Lisburn Road, Finaghy Lane, to Field. The procession will return by way of Malone Road, University Road, Shaftesbury Square, Dublin Road, to Carlisle Circus.