HC Deb 18 February 1898 vol 53 c1040

I beg to ask the Lord Advocate whether the Scottish Fishery Board have inquired into the increase of cases of foreign trawling in protected waters during this winter; and, if so, with what result; and whether, as representing Scottish interests in this House, he proposes to take any action?


The Fishery Board have instructed the commanders of cruisers to take the necessary steps for preventing foreign trawlers from fishing in the territorial waters, but these vessels cannot be prevented from trawling in the Moray Firth, outside the three mile limit, and no complaints have been received of their having carried on their operations inside that limit. So far as has been ascertained, the greatest number of foreign vessels fishing during this winter in the Moray Firth at one time has never exceeded five, and only on one occasion reached that number. As the hon. Member is aware, steps have been taken to prevent and to deal with contraventions of the Fishery Act, and I do not know that there are any further steps which it is possible to take.