§ SIR C. DILKE (Gloucester, Forest of Dean)I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether the Government have any recent information on military events in Uganda which they can communicate to the House with a view to allaying anxiety; whether it is the case that the telegraph has been in working order to Kikuyu since June; whether no information as to events in Uganda has been received by and from the officer in charge at Kikuyu since the reassuring dispatch of Mr. Berkeley, 656 dated from Kampala, 21st April; whether the later dispatch, promised by Major MacDonald in his dispatch of the 13th March, has been received, or if it will be issued when received?
MR. CURZONIn his Report on the recent mutiny, which is dated 16th May and is about to be laid before Parliament, Mr. Berkeley alludes to the dispersal of a body of mutineers from, a position opposite Mruli, on the Victoria Nile, by Major Martyr on 26th April, but no later information of an official character hag readied us. The telegraph line is at Kikuyu and is believed to be in working order. The answer to the third Question is in the negative. The dispatch, which is to deal with the services of the different officers during the mutiny, has not been received, and I cannot therefore make any promise as to its publication.