§ CAPTAIN DONELANOn behalf of the honourable Member for Mid Cork I beg to ask the President of the Local Government Board if his attention has been. directed to the sanitary condition of Knaresborough; is he aware that the condition of the dwellings of the poor are given as extremely bad, houses old, dilapidated, damp, and frequently filthy; that the sewerage and drainage is very unsatisfactory; that scavenging is badly performed, and accumulation of filth in over-full middens is a marked feature in the district; and whether attention will be given to Dr. Wheaton's advice?
§ MR. T. W. RUSSELLI am informed by the district council that, whilst there were grounds for complaint when Dr: Wheaton visited the district, most of these have since been removed. AS regards the dwellings of the poor, it is stated that the old houses are being gradually Pulled down and modern ones, erected in their stead, and that, whilst there may be isolated cases where the houses are dilapidated and damp, wherever this is known to be so, pressure is brought to bear on the owners to have the matter remedied. Since Dr. Wheaton's visit the sum of £9,000 has been expended in sewerage and sewage disposal, and the town is now thoroughly well sewered. The scavenging is now undertaken by a contractor under contract with the council, and the work is well performed and, further, there are now no accumulations of filth in over-full middens.