HC Deb 05 August 1898 vol 64 cc286-7
MR. STEVENSON (Suffolk, Eye)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs by what amount the proposed conversion of the Ottoman Guaranteed Loan of 1855 will affect the annual tribute payable out of the revenues of Cyprus; and whether the British Government will take the opportunity afforded by that conversion of obtaining full satisfaction for the claims in respect of losses sustained by British subjects during the Constantinople massacres of 1896, and also for the claims arising out of the murder of two British Post Office officials at that time, and out of the murder and robbery of Yussuf, Yunan, agent of the Armenian Relief Committee in this country?


I am afraid that I cannot make any statement on the subject named in the first paragraph until the arrangement for the purpose has been concluded. In answer to the second Question may I refer the honourable Member to an answer which I gave yesterday to the effect that I shall not be able during the present Session to make any announcement of the procedure which will be adopted by Her Majesty's Government.


I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether the Government were approached by the Norwegian Government to appoint a British Commissioner for the International Fishery Exhibition now being held at Bergen; and, if so, why no appointment was made; and if it is the case that, as this country has no representative on the central jury of that Exhibition, the interests of British exhibitors are being watched over by the representatives of the Commissioners appointed by other nations taking part in the Exhibition?


Her Majesty's Government were invited by the Norwegian Government, and it was upon the advice of the various Departments concerned that it was decided that there were not sufficient grounds for the appointment of any official delegates. Steps were, however, taken for giving the fullest publicity to the programme of the Exhibition. I have no information as regards the second Question of the honourable Member.


Is the right honourable Gentleman aware that all the other European nations sent Commissioners?


I was not aware of that, but even if it be the case the honourable Member must see that in these matters the Foreign Office can only act on the advice of the Board of Trade and the other Offices concerned.


Were the Scotch and Irish Fishery Boards consulted in the matter?


If these were consulted I presume it would have been by the Board of Trade.