HC Deb 02 August 1898 vol 63 c851
MR. LOUGH (Islington, W.)

I beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade whether he has yet received replies from, the London railway companies with regard to the improved service of workmen's trains; whether he has decided in what localities the proposed local inquiries shall be held; and whether these local inquiries could be arranged so as to take place in the autumn, after sufficient notice of the intention of the Board of Trade to order the inquiries had been given to the localities, so that evidence might be prepared to substantiate each separate requirement?


No, Sir; all the companies have not replied, and the Board of Trade have not decided where inquiries will be held. My right honourable Friend sees no objection to the suggestion that any inquiries which may be found to be desirable should take place in the autumn. The Board of Trade will give sufficient notice of the intention to hold any inquiry.