HC Deb 02 August 1898 vol 63 cc852-3
MR. SEALE-HAYNE (Devon, Ashburton)

I beg to ask the President of the Local Government Board whether he is aware that for some time past the Devon County Asylum, at Exminster, has been overcrowded; that the Newton Abbot Board of Guardians has been compelled to send several patients to other asylums, involving a great increase of expense; and that a patient, certified by a justice of the peace for removal to an asylum, is at the present time unable to be removed, as there is no room for her reception either at the Devon County or other local asylums, or suitable accommodation in the Newton Abbot Workhouse; whether it is true that the Devon County Council are prepared to give increased asylum accommodation, but owing to the great delay which has arisen in consequence of a dispute with the Lunacy Commissioners in regard to the waiter supply they have not yet done so; and whether he will take steps to impress upon these authorities the necessity of meeting without further delay the urgent want of increased asylum accommodation for pauper lunatics in the county of Devon?


I will answer this Question. It is the case that this asylum has for some time past been overcrowded, and that on account of difficulties attending the supply of water approval of plans for the enlargement of the asylum was delayed until an adequate and wholesome supply was obtained. These difficulties have now, to a great extent at any rate, been surmounted, and I approved in February last the plans of an extension which will provide for 87 additional patients.