§ SIR JOHN T. BRUNNER (Cheshire, Northwich)I beg to ask the Lord Advocate whether he will introduce or favourably regard the introduction of a Bill to empower the Scottish County Councils immediately north, of the border to act with the English County Councils immediately south of the border for the purpose of the formation of Joint Committees for the prevention of the pollution of rivers?
§ THE LORD ADVOCATE (Mr. A. GRAHAM MURRAY,) ButeshireThe Government cannot undertake the introduction of such a Measure; but the Secretary for Scotland would be favourably disposed to the introduction, of such a Bill as the hon. Member seems to contemplate, if its terms were satisfactorily adjusted.
§ SIR J. BRUNNERDoes that mean that a Bill may be introduced in another place?
§ MR. GRAHAM MURRAYNo, Sir; it refers to a Bill by the hon. Member or any other private Member.