HC Deb 28 May 1897 vol 49 cc1520-1

I beg to ask the First Commissioner of Works whether any steps have been taken to fix the site of the new Magnetic Observatory at Greenwich?


Yes, Sir; and a site has been selected with the concurrence of the Astronomer Royal. May I take this opportunity of stating that Her Majesty has been graciously pleased to signify her consent to the handing over of the Ranger's Lodge at Greenwich to the Commissioners of Woods and Forests, and it will, in future, form part of the Hereditary Land Revenues of the Crown? That portion of Greenwich Park, some 15 acres in extent, which has hitherto formed part of the grounds annexed to the Ranger's Lodge, Her Majesty has been pleased to throw into the Royal Park for the use of the public, and I may say that it will add very materially, both in extent and otherwise, to the beauty of the park. Her Majesty's gracious act will, I am confident, be duly appreciated by the House.