§ SIR JOHN KINLOCH (Perthshire, E.)I beg to ask the President of the Board of Trade whether he is aware that vessels 1132 engaged in the Argentine cattle trade have cattle stowed not only on both sides of the upper deck, but also in the centre of the vessel, on the top of the closed hatches, leaving a very narrow gangway between the rows of cattle, along which the crew must pass for the working of the ship, and which is liable to become blocked by cattle "fetching away;" and whether, as this may be a source of danger to the working of the ship, the Board of Trade can take any steps to prevent such overcrowding?
§ THE SECRETARY TO THE TREASURY (Mr. R. W. HANBURY, Preston, on behalf of Mr. RITCHIE)The Regulations of the Argentine Government allow cattle to be carried on the top of the closed hatches, as well as on both sides of the vessel, provided that the stalls are of strong construction and solidly attached to the vessel. But the cattle are not allowed upon any place necessary for the navigation of the vessel. The Board of Trade have no reason to believe that sufficient room is not left for the working of the ship, or that there is any necessity for action on their part.