§ MR. J. P. FARRELLI beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether any resolution has been received from the Cavan Teachers' Association protesting against the proposals of the Treasury on the subject of the Irish Teachers' Fund; whether the premiums paid by teachers are to be considerably raised, whilst the age for voluntary retirement is to be also raised, thereby lessening the number of claims on the pension fund; whether the first of first class pensions are to be abolished; and, if so, is he aware that it will absolutely deprive a number of first of first class Cavan teachers of the pensions to which they are lawfully entitled, and on getting which they reckoned; and will he make representations to the Treasury or the Education Commissioners suggesting the withdrawal of these proposals?
§ *MR. GERALD BALFOURResolutions on this subject have been received. The Report of the Committee and the Treasury Minute have been presented, and will be issued immediately. Meanwhile I may state that the premiums will be raised, but not the age for voluntary retirement. Nor will the first class pensions be abolished in the case of any teachers who now subscribe for them.