HC Deb 10 May 1897 vol 49 cc121-2

The following notices stood upon the Paper: —


On Order for Committee on Elementary Education Act (1870) Amendment Bill being read, to move: — That it be an Instruction to the Committee that they have power to insert provisions enabling the Education Department to check, if they think fit, the increase of the sum expended per scholar for maintenance under any School Board receiving a contribution under this Bill.

MR. SAMUEL EVANS (Glamorgan, Mid)

On Order for Committee on Elementary Education Act (1870) Amendment Bill being read, to move: — That it be an Instruction to the Committee that they have power to insert clauses in the Bill with a view to provide that payment may be made to School Boards of all arrears which may remain unpaid of the sums to which such School Boards would have been entitled to receive under Section 97 of the Elementary Education Act 1870, if the said Boards had made application therefor to the Education Department from year to year as such sums became due and payable.


said that the Instruction to the Committee which the noble Lord the Member for Rochester had given notice to enable the Education Department to check the increase of the sum expended per scholar for maintenance under any School Board receiving a contribution under the Bill was out of order, because its object might be obtained by an Amendment. The other Instruction standing on the Paper in the name of the hon. Member for Glamorganshire, providing for the payment of arrears under Section 97 of the Act of 1870, was also out of order, because its object was to increase the grant which was voted in Committee, and it would be quite out of order as an Instruction.

[While Mr. Speaker was delivering the above ruling, several Members passed down the floor of the House amid cries of "Order !"]

SIR HENRY FOWLER (Wolverhampton, E.)

I wish to ask you, Sir, whether it is not one of the Standing Orders of the House that when you rise in the Chair every Member should remain sealed? [" Hear, hear!"]


That is the Rule, and it is important in the interests of the order and decency of the proceedings of the House that it should be observed.

Bill considered in Committee.

[The CHAIRMAN of WAYS and MEANS, Mr. J. W. LOWTHER, in the Chair.]

Clause 1,—