HC Deb 07 May 1897 vol 49 c16

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether the Governor of the Falkland Islands has forwarded a Dispatch to the Colonial Office urging the Government to abolish the office of Colonial Surgeon in the Falkland. Islands and to establish in substitution thereof two official medical posts; whether the Hon. Samuel Hamilton, a member of the Legislative Council, who has filled for the last 18 years the post of Colonial Surgeon in the Falkland Islands, has forwarded a memorial to the Colonial Secretary in which he has stated his views, which are directly opposed to the recommendation of the Government; whether he has yet arrived at a decision on the matter; and whether, having regard to the length of Dr. Hamilton's service and efficient discharge of his duties as Colonial Surgeon, care will be taken in the event of any alteration in the medical establishment of the Falkland Islands to safeguard his interests, and to secure him full compensation for any loss such alteration may entail?


No such Dispatch has reached me, nor has the matter been under my consideration.