HC Deb 06 May 1897 vol 48 c1606
* MR. J. W. LOGAN (Leicester, Harborough)

I beg to ask the President of the Local Government Board, if he is aware that in several instances the re tiring chairman of a parish council has enabled the minority of a newly elected council to appoint the chairman for the ensuing year by giving two votes, although not himself a member of the new council; and, whether this defect can be remedied by an order of the Local Government Board; and, if so, will he advise the Board to adopt that course; and, if not, will he induce the Government to give facilities for the passing of a short Act to amend this flaw in the Local Government Act of 1894.


The Local Government Board has been advised that the effect of the provisions in the Local Government Act, 1894, is that the outgoing chairman remains in office until his successor is elected and that whilst in office he retains all his powers and therefore is enabled to give a vote and a casting vote on the question of the election of his successor, and that this is so although he himself may not be at the time a member of the council. The hon. Member has drawn attention to a case where the result has been as stated in the Question, but I have no information as to the extent to which similar instances have occurred. The Local Government Board are not empowered to make any order in the matter, and I cannot hold out any expectation that the Government will introduce legislation on the subject.


said the matter was one of great importance, and he asked the Government whether they would give facilities to pass a short Bill to do away with this gross injustice.


ruled that the Question had already been answered.