HC Deb 29 March 1897 vol 47 c1572
MR. W. HAZELL (Leicester)

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for India whether the retirement of one of the senior clerks in the Audit Department of the India Office has been sanctioned; and whether, as another appointment to the senior class would involve an increase of charge upon Indian revenues, a promotion to a senior clerkship will, in accordance with the course pursued in two cases in 1892–93 in regard to the Accountant General's Department, be deferred until such time as the official now retired on reduction of establishment would have been superannuated under the age limit, or whether the redundant clerkship can be now abolished?


The retirement of a senior clerk in the India Audit Office has been recently sanctioned and a promotion to the senior class has been made. This does not involve an increase of charge upon Indian revenues, for, including the pension of the senior clerk who has retired, it results in an immediate saving of £83 a year, and an average annual saving during the next 15 years of £41.