HC Deb 23 March 1897 vol 47 cc1172-3
SIR HOWARD VINCENT (Sheffield, Central)

I beg to ask the Secretary to the Treasury, as representing the Postmaster General, if he is aware that the London and South Western Railway is endeavouring to divert trade from British steamship lines to the American flag, by widely advertising at every station that the American Government carries parcels from this country to America at preferential rates if under the American flag; and, having regard to the depressed condition of the national shipping industry, if Her Majesty's Government will give like advantages to the Union Jack over the Stars and Stripes?


The Postmaster General is not aware of any advertisements of the London and South Western Railway Company notifying that the American Government carries parcels from this country to America at differential rates or otherwise. Such a statement would be untrue, as neither the American Post Office nor any other department of the American Government maintains any service for the conveyance of parcels to and from this country. It is understood that facilities for Customs clearance are given to the public at New York in regard to particular kinds of parcels carried by the subsidised steamers of the American Line. This is clearly a matter outside our control. The procedure in regard to Customs clearance on this side is already so simple that it is difficult to see how Her Majesty's Government could afford a corresponding preference to parcels carried in British vessels, even if it were our policy to differentiate in the manner stated.


Does the right hon. Gentleman say that the American Government offers no facilities for the conveyance of parcels under the American flag?


Not for the carriage of them, but it does for the clearance of them by the Customs on the other side.