HC Deb 18 March 1897 vol 47 c991

The Education Department shall in every year cause to be laid before both Houses of Parliament a report of the proceedings under this Act during the preceding year.

He thought that this was a reasonable demand to make. He hoped that the First Lord of the Treasury would reserve the consideration of this Amendment for another place, and would hold out some hope that there the matter would be fairly reconsidered, and the Amendment, if possible inserted. He would not press the Committee to divide, but his request was strictly in accordance with Parliamentary precedent.

Clause read the First time.

On the Motion "That the Clause be read a Second time,"


said he thoroughly appreciated the spirit in which the right hon. Gentleman moved his Amendment, and assured him that substantially his contention would be carried out by the manner in which the Act would be administered by the heads of the Department, as in the case of the earlier Acts. He promised the right hon. Gentleman that the propriety of introducing specific directions in the Bill would be carefully considered at a later stage.

Clause, by leave, withdrawn.

MR. ELLIS GRIFFITH (on behalf of Mr. LAMBERT,) Devon, South Molton

moved the following new clause:—