HC Deb 18 March 1897 vol 47 cc937-8
MR. JOHN ROCHE (Galway E.)

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland whether he will state if the Poor Law divisions of Woodford, Derrylaur and Loughatorick, in the Loughrea Union, and the division of Coose, in the Portumna Union, are scheduled under the Congested Districts Board; and, if so, how long, and what, actual benefit they have derived under same?


The electoral divisions named in the Question are scheduled as congested areas. The cattle-breeding improvement scheme has been extended to one of these divisions, and the Board have also offered a grant of £500 towards the construction of a road from Woodford to Derrygoolin, provided the Grand Jury would contribute the balance of the sum required for its completion. So far, however, it does not appear that the Grand Jury have accepted the Board's offer, and if there be a generally-expressed wish that the sum of £500 should be otherwise expended in the locality, the Board will be prepared to consider any suggestions that may be made to them.