HC Deb 15 March 1897 vol 47 cc650-1

On the order for the Second Reading of this Bill,

DR. FARZQUHARSON (Aberdeenshire, W.)

moved that the Second Reading be postponed until to-morrow.

MR. E. H. PICKERSGILL (Bethnal Green, S.W.)

, who had on the Paper a Motion for the rejection of the Bill, thought he had some reason to complain that this stage had been put off without any notice whatever, being given to him, notwithstanding that his notice of opposition had been on the Paper for some time. It was in accordance with the usual practice and courtesy of that House that, when an hon. Member had given notice of opposition to a Bill, the promoters or, at all events, the agent should give him notice of any postponment. ["Hear, hear!"]

MR. ALFRED LAFONE (Bermondsey, Southwark)

remarked that he spoke to the hon. Member on Friday, and explained to him that hon. Members who were interested in the Bill had asked that it should be postponed till to-morrow—a request which had been acceded to.


My complaint is against the promoters of the Bill.

MR. SYDNEY BUXTON (Tower Hamlets, Poplar)

observed that when a Bill was put down for Second Reading "by order," as was this Bill, it had always been taken on the day named unless both supporters and opponents agreed to a postponement. It was discourteous to those opposing a Bill if they did not receive from the promoters a notification of any intention to defer a stage.

MR. JAMES STUART (Shoreditch, Hoxton)

, while not wishing to prevent the postponement, pointed out that when the promoters of a private Bill, after any stage had been put down by order, desired that that stage should be postponed till a later day, they always gave notice to and consulted with the opponents of the Bill.

MR. R. K. CAUSTON (Southwark, W.)

observed that he was in the House till 12 o'clock on Friday night, and was anxious to ascertain whether the Bill was to be taken or not, but could get no information. The Bill being down by order he had attended that day at great inconvenience.


said the Bill proposed to put additional work on the Local Government Board, and they were in the same position as hon. Members opposite, not having had any notice of the postponement. ["Hear, hear!"]

MR. EDMUND BOULNOIS (Marylebone, E.)

, as one of the promoters of the Bill, disclaimed, on their part, any intention of discourtesy to those opposing it. He was present by accident, because he quite understood on Friday afternoon that the agents had made arrangements with the opponents as to the postponement. He expressed his sincere regret that any inconvenience should have been caused by the misunderstanding which had arisen.


pointed out that tomorrow, when it was proposed to take the Second Reading, would be an inconvenient day to many hon. Members.

Second Reading deferred until Monday next.