§ SIR HOWARD VINCENT (Sheffield, Central)I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for War if it is intended to allow provisional and other battalions of Volunteers to proceed to Aldershot for instruction in the bank holiday week in August from the metropolis and elsewhere, and in such case if definite notification thereof can be made as early as practicable, having regard to the necessity for zealous Volunteers in public and commercial offices to make arrangements several months beforehand to take their annual holiday at that period, and so devote it to the service of the country?
§ *THE UNDER SECRETARY OF STATE FOR WAR (Mr. BRODRICK,) Surrey, GuildfordThe 2nd inst. was the day when the proposals of Volunteer corps as to their annual camps were due at the War Office. Their applications will be considered without delay, and those for permission to go to Aldershot will be acceded to as far as circumstances will allow. Notification will be made as early as possible.