HC Deb 04 March 1897 vol 46 c1579
CAPTAIN PIRIE (Aberdeen, N.)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for War whether, having regard to the changes about to be made in the British Army, and to the fact that in many cases our territorial recruiting areas do not suffice for the demands made upon them by their territorial regiments, the Government will give serious consideration to a proposal to create regimental districts in the several greater Colonies of the Empire, especially, in view of the popular sentiment in favour of such a proposal recently exhibited in Canada, and in commemoration of the 60th anniversary of Her Majesty's reign.


A proposal of the nature referred to in the question has been received from Canada and has been referred to the Canadian Government for an expression of their opinion upon it. Her Majesty's Government are fully alive to the desirability of encouraging such tendencies on the part of the Colonies, but it is obvious that any steps in this direction must need very careful consideration before action is taken.