HC Deb 04 March 1897 vol 46 c1598
MR. J. F. HOGAN (Tipperary, Mid)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether Her Majesty's Government have received official notification of the award of the arbitrator in the case of the Costa Rica Packet; and, if so, whether he has any objection to communicating the terms of the decision arrived at?


The award of the arbitrator in the Costa Rica Packet case has been received, and is to the following effect: To Captain Carpenter a sum of £3,150 is awarded; to the officers and crew of the Costa Rica Packet £1,600; and to the owners of that vessel £3,800; with interest for all damages at the rate of 5 per cent. per annum, from November 2nd, 1891. The above sums, together with the costs of the arbitration, fixed at £250, are to be paid by the Netherlands Government.