HC Deb 23 June 1897 vol 50 cc482-3

I have to report to the House that I have this day received from the Italian Ambassador in London a letter, dated June 23, of which the following is a translation: — To the Speaker of the House of Commons. "23 June 1897. Sir, The Government of His Majesty the King directs me to communicate to you the enclosed telegram, which contains the proceedings taken in the Chamber of Deputies to demonstrate the lively share which the Italian Parliament and Nation take in the manifestation of the feelings entertained by this great people for its great Sovereign. In performing this pleasing duty I beg your Excellency to accept the assurance of my high consideration.—GENERAL. A. FERRERO, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Italy. [Enclosure.] Telegram, dated 22nd June, from the Marquis Visconti Venosta, Minister for Foreign Affairs in the Kingdom of Italy, to the Italian Ambassador in London. In accordance with the desire of the Chamber of Deputies, I beg your Excellency to be good enough to forward to the Speaker of the House of Commons without delay the following extract from the proceedings of their Sitting of yesterday:— The PRESIDENT: The Hon. Sonnino is authorised to speak. SYDNEY SONNINO: Hon. Colleagues, To-day the British Nation rejoices, celebrating in the Mother Country and in the Colonies scattered in all the corners of the earth the 60th anniversary of the Accession to the Throne of the Gracious Queen, Victoria. I am certain that I express the feelings of the whole House, without distinction of party, when I ask our President, upon this solemn occasion, to make himself the interpreter to the Speaker of the House of Commons of the warm wishes of this Assembly for the long and prosperous continuance of that glorious reign, and to give assurance of the share which the Italian people take in the events which cause the rejoicings of the great English people. the teacher of Liberty, of Tolerance, and Civil and Ordered Progress. [Applause.] BRIN, the Minister of Marine, demanded and obtained leave to speak. BRIN: I cannot do otherwise than express in the name of the Government the most lively approbation of the proposal of the Hon. Sonnino that our President should express to the President of the English House of Commons the warm wishes which we, in interpreting the desire of all Italians, express for the happiness and prosperity of the reign of Queen Victoria, who with so much success and glory has guided the destinies of that great and free England, which has ever been the friend of Italy, and for which our country entertains the like feelings of sympathy and friendship. IMBRIANI POVIRO: In associating myself with this proposal I send my respectful greeting to her who finds herself placed at the head of a free people, which has always and in every direction sought to cultivate liberty according to justice. The PRESIDENT: I accept very heartily the directions of the House, and will make it my duty to carry them out.