HC Deb 03 June 1897 vol 50 cc161-2
SIR A. ACLAND HOOD (Somerset, Wellington)

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for War if he could state to the House to what extent each of the three regiments of Foot Guards is now above or below the new establishment of 1897–8; to what extent each of the three battalions of the Grenadier Guards is now above or below the new establishment of 1897–8; and how many men of the Grenadier Guards have extended their services with the colours on receipt of bounty, or rejoined the colours from the Reserve under Army Order 59, of 1897?


The new establishments of Guards about to be issued, including depots, all ranks except officers, for 1897–98, amount to 6,416, being an increase of 728 over the establishments of last year. When the 1st Battalion of Grenadier Guards embarks for Gibraltar in October, its establishment will be further increased by 177 rank and file, making in all au increased establishment of 905. Towards this 106 men have been obtained up to May 31. There remain, therefore, 799 to obtain in the course of the present financial year. The 1st Battalion Grenadiers will require 14 more men on embarkation to complete their Gibraltar establishment. The 2nd Battalion wants 81 men to complete establishment, the 3rd 72, and the Depôt and Regimental Staff 72. The Grenadier Guards, consequently, will require 239 men before April next to complete their establishment. The Coldstreams will require 276 to complete their establishment, including the proportion of the new battalions to be raised. The Scots Guards will require 284 to complete their establishment, including the proportion of the new battalions to be raised. No men have yet extended their service under the new conditions. But it should be noted that the order giving a bounty of 12 to men extending was limited to men whose service happened to expire between May 1 and October 1, and was only promulgated on May 1. The notices to Reservists (326) of the Grenadier Guards were not posted till May 25, and of these 11 have accepted up to yesterday. The increased establishments of the Guards began to take effect on April 1. In the month of May 149 Guards recruits were taken, against 78 in the preceding year, although the Army generally is considerably short of strength.


Arising out of that answer, may I ask the right hon. Gentleman whether men are now being taken at a very reduced standard, and whether a large number of them are taken below that reduced standard?


The standard has been reduced to 5ft. 8in. for recruits of over 20 years of age, and to 5ft. 7in. for recruits under 20. No men have been taken under the latter standard.


Am I to understand that the Grenadier Guards only require 14 men to complete their establishment?


That is so.