§ MR. R. G. WEBSTER (St. Pancras, E.), asked the First Lord of the Treasury whether he proposed to take Government business to-morrow.
§ THE FIRST LORD OF THE TREASURYIn answer to my hon. Friend I have to say it is manifest that the Debates on the Committee stage of the Accidents to Workmen Bill will require us to set aside to-morrow for the discussion of that Measure.
§ MR. R. G. WEBSTERIn consequence of the reply of the right hon. Gentleman, I beg to give notice that I do not propose to move the adjournment of the House to-morrow. (Opposition cries of "Oh" and Laughter.) And I would add that I sincerely hope that this may not act as a precedent (renewed Opposition laughter), and that hon. Gentlemen who, as a matter of fact, are against the adjournment may be in their places to discuss this important question. (Opposition laughter.)