§ MR. CHARLES MURRAY (Coventry)I beg to ask the lion. Member for North-East Manchester, as Chairman of the Merchandise Marks Committee, if he is aware how the Report of the Committee appeared ill certain newspapers on Tuesday morning, when it had not been presented to the House?
SIR J. FERGUSSION (Manchester, N.E.)I do not know how the incorrect report got into the newspapers. But as see that it was accompanied by a memorandum by certain members of the Committee which was not approved by 1471 the Committee itself, I suppose one of the members of the Committee was responsible for what appeared in the papers. If so, it was a regrettable proceeding.
§ SIR HOWARD VINCENTasked whether it was not the fact that the final revision was only carried by the casting vote of the chairman?
§ *MR. SPEAKEROrder, order! That cannot be asked, nor does it arise out of the Question Oil the Paper.