HC Deb 28 July 1897 vol 51 cc1319-20

With respect to districts other than burghs the following provisions shall have effect:—

  1. (1.) The local authority, if they think it expedient so to do, may acquire and provide or arrange for a supply of water for the domestic use of the inhabitants and for sanitary and other purposes, and for that purpose may acquire and conduct water from any lake, river, spring, or stream, may dig wells, make and maintain reservoirs, may purchase, take upon lease, hire, construct, lay down, and maintain such waterworks, pipes, and premises, and do and execute all such works, matters, and things as shall be necessary and proper for the aforesaid purpose, and may themselves furnish a supply of water, or contract or arrange with any other person to furnish the same; and for the purposes aforesaid the local authority shall be held to have all the powers and rights given to promoters of undertakings by the Lands Clauses Acts as amended by this Act: Provided also, that it shall not be lawful for the local authority to provide or supply water within any area which any local authority or any company, established by Act of Parliament or empowered by or authorised by Provisional Order, is authorised to supply with water, unless the local authority shall previously have purchased or acquired the undertaking of such local authority or company.
  2. (2.) The local authority, if they have any surplus water after fully supplying what is required for domestic and sanitary purposes, may supply water from such surplus to any public 1320 baths and wash-houses, or for trading or manufacturing and all other than domestic purposes, on such terms and conditions as may be agreed on between the local authority and the persons desirous of being so supplied. Provided that when water is thus supplied from such surplus it shall not be lawful for the local authority to charge the persons so supplied both with the portion of the special water assessment applicable to the buildings or premises supplied, and also for the supply of water obtained; but the local authority may either charge the said assessment available on such buildings or premises, or charge for the supply of water furnished to the same as they shall think fit, and the local authority shall have the same remedies and powers of recovering payment of such water rents or payments as are hereinafter provided with regard to the special water assessment.
  3. (3.) The local authority may cause all existing public cisterns, pumps, wells, reservoirs. conduits, aqueducts, and works used for the gratuitous supply of water to the inhabitants to be continued, maintained, and plentifully supplied with water, or may substitute, maintain, and plentifully supply with water other such works equally convenient; and may, if they shall think fit, provide and gratuitously supply water for any public baths or wash-houses established otherwise than for private profit or supported out of any rates.

Amendment made: In Sub-section (1) before "promoters of undertakings" insert "and be subject to all the obligations imposed on the."—(Mr. Caldwell.)


moved, at the end of the clause, to add,— (4.) The local authority shall have the same powers and be subject to the same restrictions for carrying water mains within their district as they have and are subject to for carrying sewers within their district respectively by the law for the time being in force. He said that he had intended to insert the words "or without" after the word "within" and before the words "their district," but, in accordance with the wish of the Lord Advocate, he had omitted them.


said that he did not see the use of the Amendment if the words "or without" were omitted. All the trouble occurred outside the area.

Amendment agreed to.

Clause 127,—