HC Deb 28 July 1897 vol 51 cc1371-2

In the application of the Post Office Amendment Act 1895, to Scotland, the following provisions shall have effect:—

  1. (a.) A reference to the Post Office Act 1891, as amended by the Post Office Act 1892, shall be substituted for the reference to the Post Office Act 1891; and
  2. (b.) Any expenses incurred under the Act by a parish council in Scotland shall be defrayed as expenses incurred for the purposes of Part IV. of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1894.


said the object of the Clause was to give power to parish councils to give guarantee for local telegraphs. In Scotland district councils had already that power, and it was also provided by the Corporated Districts Bill that in the case of Corporated Districts the Commissioners under the Bill might give guarantees. If this Bill passed it would simply come to this, that, so many bodies having the power to give guarantees, none of them would exercise it, and if the Post Office did not get guarantees they would do nothing. He was therefore against any further extension of this power to other local bodies.


thought the provision a very wise one. In many cases a parish getting full benefit itself, would be willing to give the guarantee.


said he knew of several. cases in which parish councils would be glad to give the guarantee, though he contended that telegraphic communications should be established all over the Highlands without guarantees; throughout the Highland Counties they only got one telegraph office a year without guarantee.

MR. T. M. HEALY (Louth, N.)

Is there any objection to the extension of the principle to us?


I can see no reason why it should not apply to all three countries. ["Hear, hear!"]

Clause ordered to stand part of the Bill; remaining clauses agreed to; Bill reported, without Amendment; read the Third time, and passed.