HC Deb 27 July 1897 vol 51 cc1236-7

I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (1) in regard to the action of the Sultan in sending Djevad Pasha to Crete, whether the Admirals were consulted by the representatives of the Powers as to the propriety of allowing Djevad Pasha to land in the present critical condition of affairs upon the island; and (2) if so, will he state the views of the Admirals upon the subject; and whether the Christian leaders have given notice to the Admirals that so long as the ex-Grand Vizier and the Turkish army remain in Crete they are not prepared to entertain any proposals with regard to an autonomous constitution?


So far as we are aware the Admirals never raised any question as to the propriety of allowing Djevad Pasha to land in Crete; nor were they consulted on the point by the representatives of the Great Powers, if in the latter phrase the hon. Member refers to the Ambassadors at Constantinople. In Crete, the Admirals are themselves the representatives of the Powers. No such notice as that mentioned in the second paragraph has been reported to us.


I beg to ask the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether any and, if so, what steps are being taken by the Powers to carry into effect the identic note presented to the Porte in March last, which provided for the gradual withdrawal of the Turkish troops from Crete, and whether, in view of the entire withdrawal of Greek troops under the terms of the subsequent Note, an assurance can now be given that the demand of the above-mentioned identic Note will be carried into effect without delay?


The hon. Member has not correctly quoted the terms of the identic Note of March 5th last, which provided expressly for the concentration of the Imperial troops in the fortified places at present occupied by European detachments, as soon as the Greek troops had left the island. This concentration has taken place, but for some reasons, which I explained at length in my speech last week, it has not so far been found possible to proceed further with their redaction or withdrawal.